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How to Connect RD Station?

See the step-by-step guide on how to connect an RD Station account to DashGoo

Fernando Vital avatar
Written by Fernando Vital
Updated over a week ago

Before You Start:

  • The integration is only available for RD Station Pro or Advanced (formerly Enterprise) plan customers.

  • RD only provides retroactive email marketing data for periods longer than 45 days for RD Station Advanced accounts. If you have the RD Station Pro plan, you will only be able to view data from up to 45 days.

On the CONNECTIONS page, click the ADD A NEW ACCOUNT button and then select the client/brand you want to associate the account with.

In the next screen, choose the social network you wish to connect to the brand. In this case, it is RD Station. Click the "Connect" button on the right side of this option.

You will be redirected to the RD Station website. Enter the credentials for the RD Station Pro or Advanced account you wish to link to DashGoo and click "Next".

Grant the permissions requested by RD, and then the screen will redirect back to DashGoo. Simply select the desired account and click "Connect".

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